There are just too many songs that you can't go your whole life without hearing (and loving), so I decided to put a few of my personal favorites here! (Yes, my taste in music is completely random).
Aerosmith - "Rag Doll"
Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Can't Stop"
Rednex - "Cotton Eye Joe"
Spiderbait - "Black Betty"
69 Boyz - "Tootsee Roll"
Rush - "Tom Sawyer"
No Doubt - "Hella Good"
Buckcherry - "Crazy Bitch"
Saliva - "Ladies and Gentlemen"
and of course:
The Eagles - "Hotel California"
Quote of the Now
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."
— Mark Twain
Braindead + Writer's Block = A Very Difficult Night
I've been working on Night Song for a few hours now, but I made the mistake of taking a break to eat dinner. Now I'm tired and don't feel like working anymore, and my writer's block is refusing to budge. Sadly, I know what I need to write, but I just can't bring myself to do it (I hate writing fillers, but they're a necessary evil).
Anyhow, I haven't really given any excerpts (except on GoodReads) so I thought I'd put a little here.
This is the first part I've written from Caleb's point of view. So far I've worked only with Anya, the main character (for more about Night Song and the entire Bishop Falls series, click here). The excerpt is from the beginning of chapter five, and I should warn you that it's very rough around the edges. I just wrote it today and haven't done more than read over it once.
Night Song
Chapter Five Excerpt
(Read in PDF)
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author preference
Caleb's fists strangled the steering wheel until he heard the metal groan. Resisting the urge to turn around and go back to Anya, he pulled out onto the highway, refusing to look back at the Howard house.
What the hell was he doing?
When he'd seen the pickup, he should have done just what Anya said—keep driving and pretend he hadn't seen her. At the time, he'd told himself it could be Mrs. Howard needing help, but that had only been an excuse. The little old lady didn't fear them the way some of the people in town did—it was why he’d chosen to take Anya there when he’d found her on the beach—but she had no reason to come looking for them.
Anya did. He'd intentionally stayed clear of any place she might be, resisting his every urge to go see her. He'd even gone so far as to ignore the ocean's call. That had been a nearly physical pain.
Realizing his idol was still visible, he tucked the crystal back into the neck of his shirt. It must have fallen out while he was losing his mind. It had been a wake-up call to find her touching it—a reminder of why he'd chosen to avoid her in the first place. He wasn't like Trevor. He and Clara had made a vow never to involve outsiders in things they could never really understand.
And now he'd gone and done just that. What was worse, he'd involved Anya, the one even Trevor wanted to avoid. For her to be near them would be more than just a danger to her; it could cause serious problems for them if the police decided to intervene and found a connection between her and the Children.
He closed his eyes briefly. When she'd asked about the "Pendle Kids" he'd nearly had a heart attack. If she never found out, he could still sever ties with her. He'd been so relieved when she'd said she knew nothing that he'd almost took her in his arms right there.
The thought brought back the memory of her, her scent as sharp and clean as a summer breeze. He'd almost done something they both would regret, and she sure as hell hadn't been trying to stop him.
With a sigh, Caleb ran a hand back through his hair. She'd been soft and compliant, bold and demanding. It was an intoxicating mixture that had him breathing harder with the memory. Anya appeared fragile, with her blonde hair that was nearly white and pale-green eyes, but there was also a hidden strength in her.
Like the wind. She reminded him of a breeze that could be light and teasing if it chose, but could turn into a hurricane force at a whim.
Like Clare.
That stopped him dead. That was who Anya reminded him of. The two were so similar, and yet on opposite ends of the spectrum. And he'd made a promise to Clara.
He couldn't be involved with Anya anymore. It was wrong. He would have to do everything in his power to make her think he didn't care. Maybe he'd pretend he’d just been using her. That would be enough to make her hate him, wouldn't it?
Make Anya hate him? Caleb flinched as something inside him went cold.
It was too late for that. He couldn't bring himself to do it. It was selfish, but he wouldn't go back to avoiding her.
He was going to break his promise. The realization of what that meant left him adrift, alone. Clare was the only one who knew him—really knew him—and he was going to betray her for someone he'd met only a week ago.
Clare would understand. That was the worst part. Clare always understood, even if she didn't always agree. She would take his decision in passing and consider their promise null and void.
Caleb sighed again. He wouldn't tell her just yet. He'd focus on fixing the old pickup and decide what to do when that was out of the way. If he was lucky—or maybe unlucky—Anya would come to her senses or hear some rumor that sent her as far from him as possible.
Caleb pulled into the clearing and parked near the old, abandoned church. Whatever happened, he’d worry about it when the time came. In the meantime, he’d work on the problem at hand—making sure that monster of a pickup didn’t get Anya killed. With that thought in mind, Caleb flipped open his phone to call Trevor. He couldn't keep Anya at a distance, which meant he'd have to keep her close.
If for no other reason than to protect her from his demons.
Anyhow, I haven't really given any excerpts (except on GoodReads) so I thought I'd put a little here.
This is the first part I've written from Caleb's point of view. So far I've worked only with Anya, the main character (for more about Night Song and the entire Bishop Falls series, click here). The excerpt is from the beginning of chapter five, and I should warn you that it's very rough around the edges. I just wrote it today and haven't done more than read over it once.
Chapter Five Excerpt
(Read in PDF)
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author preference
Caleb's fists strangled the steering wheel until he heard the metal groan. Resisting the urge to turn around and go back to Anya, he pulled out onto the highway, refusing to look back at the Howard house.
What the hell was he doing?
When he'd seen the pickup, he should have done just what Anya said—keep driving and pretend he hadn't seen her. At the time, he'd told himself it could be Mrs. Howard needing help, but that had only been an excuse. The little old lady didn't fear them the way some of the people in town did—it was why he’d chosen to take Anya there when he’d found her on the beach—but she had no reason to come looking for them.
Anya did. He'd intentionally stayed clear of any place she might be, resisting his every urge to go see her. He'd even gone so far as to ignore the ocean's call. That had been a nearly physical pain.
Realizing his idol was still visible, he tucked the crystal back into the neck of his shirt. It must have fallen out while he was losing his mind. It had been a wake-up call to find her touching it—a reminder of why he'd chosen to avoid her in the first place. He wasn't like Trevor. He and Clara had made a vow never to involve outsiders in things they could never really understand.
And now he'd gone and done just that. What was worse, he'd involved Anya, the one even Trevor wanted to avoid. For her to be near them would be more than just a danger to her; it could cause serious problems for them if the police decided to intervene and found a connection between her and the Children.
He closed his eyes briefly. When she'd asked about the "Pendle Kids" he'd nearly had a heart attack. If she never found out, he could still sever ties with her. He'd been so relieved when she'd said she knew nothing that he'd almost took her in his arms right there.
The thought brought back the memory of her, her scent as sharp and clean as a summer breeze. He'd almost done something they both would regret, and she sure as hell hadn't been trying to stop him.
With a sigh, Caleb ran a hand back through his hair. She'd been soft and compliant, bold and demanding. It was an intoxicating mixture that had him breathing harder with the memory. Anya appeared fragile, with her blonde hair that was nearly white and pale-green eyes, but there was also a hidden strength in her.
Like the wind. She reminded him of a breeze that could be light and teasing if it chose, but could turn into a hurricane force at a whim.
Like Clare.
That stopped him dead. That was who Anya reminded him of. The two were so similar, and yet on opposite ends of the spectrum. And he'd made a promise to Clara.
He couldn't be involved with Anya anymore. It was wrong. He would have to do everything in his power to make her think he didn't care. Maybe he'd pretend he’d just been using her. That would be enough to make her hate him, wouldn't it?
Make Anya hate him? Caleb flinched as something inside him went cold.
It was too late for that. He couldn't bring himself to do it. It was selfish, but he wouldn't go back to avoiding her.
He was going to break his promise. The realization of what that meant left him adrift, alone. Clare was the only one who knew him—really knew him—and he was going to betray her for someone he'd met only a week ago.
Clare would understand. That was the worst part. Clare always understood, even if she didn't always agree. She would take his decision in passing and consider their promise null and void.
Caleb sighed again. He wouldn't tell her just yet. He'd focus on fixing the old pickup and decide what to do when that was out of the way. If he was lucky—or maybe unlucky—Anya would come to her senses or hear some rumor that sent her as far from him as possible.
Caleb pulled into the clearing and parked near the old, abandoned church. Whatever happened, he’d worry about it when the time came. In the meantime, he’d work on the problem at hand—making sure that monster of a pickup didn’t get Anya killed. With that thought in mind, Caleb flipped open his phone to call Trevor. He couldn't keep Anya at a distance, which meant he'd have to keep her close.
If for no other reason than to protect her from his demons.
Inspiration for a ROFL Moment
I absolutely adore Maureen of I'd Rather Be Blogging! Read this, and you will too!
"Aw, Shucks..."
by Maureen
I was reading my Yahoo mail the other day and came across an email that really made my day.
"I just love your blog!"
Aw, shucks, thanks.
"I've been a lurker for months, and this is the first time writing to you."
Well, that's always nice to hear.
"Keep up the great work; I really enjoy the chuckles you provide."
Gosh, you're making me blush now.
Wow, what a nice surprise. Who the heck was this from, anyway? I look at the signature.
All the best, Maureen
Cool! Another Maureen! It's not like that name is popular.
at I'd Rather Be
Oh, crap.
I was reading my SENT folder, not my INBOX.
A First Look at Bishop Falls
I've got three days off. Translation: I've got three days of writing ahead of me.
I started thinking about the project I'm working on right now. It's a YA paranormal romance series consisting of four volumes that focus on the main character, Anya. The series is going to be titled Bishop Falls.
In Volume I, Anya wakes up on the beaches of Bishop Falls--a small town with a wicked history--with no memory and nothing but singed clothes and a crystal necklace to her name. She is saved by Caleb, a dark and mysterious boy who seems to have a lot of secrets. Throughout the volume, Anya comes to find out that, although they've never met, she has a lot to do with Caleb's secrets, as well as the six young men and women the townsfolk call the 'Pendle Kids,' all of whom have necklaces similar to hers. While discovering these things, she must also confront the one who stole her memories, and destroy the dark amulet her enemy carries before it's too late.
In Volume II, enemies become allies. Anya and the other Children (they call themselves the Children of Pendle Hill, a.k.a. the Pendle Kids) must learn to trust the one who took much away from them if they are to defeat a common enemy, and it seems another nemesis may be controlling their every move.
In Volume III, Anya's memories are returned to her. Even as she realizes that she has betrayed the one she once cared for the most, Anya must save her sister from the clutches of a man known only as the Creator. In her efforts, she realizes she has a lot in common with this puppetmaster, who has a gift only too similar to her own, and Anya must face the fact that she might have to give in to the darkness in order to overcome it.
And in the final volume, Anya, her sister, and the Children face off against the Creator, but Anya is unsure of herself. She is only beginning to recognize the darkness inside her when her greatest enemy grants her a miracle - one that may cost her not only the boy she loves, but also any hope of rejoining the light.
So now that you kind of get what I'm working on, I'll get to the point. I've been trying to come up with working titles that match each other, and you'd be surprised how difficult that is. I randomly started thinking about it a few hours ago and here's what I came up with.
For Volumes I-IV, in that order:
Night Song
Black Flame
White Lace
Dark Tide
I tried to keep with the two-syllable structure, while also giving them each some symbollism that (although not very deep) isn't outright noticeable. Each title relates to an element that is heavily used in the volume it relates to. I chose Night Song (air) because music and the wind are entwined for Anya; Black Flame (fire) is kind of obvious; White Lace (earth) refers to a night-growing plant called whitelace; and finally, Dark Tide (water), which is also obvious.
The original working titles I came up with I didn't really care for. The moon is a big deal in the books, but not a main factor in each of them. The volumes used to be called Wandering Moon (too mushy and dramatic sounding), Harvest Moon (no symbollism, just the full moon of the month when the book was based), and Hunter's Moon (this one actually had some meaning, and was also the month's full moon name). As you can see, it was only a trilogy back then (The Bishop Falls Trilogy worked so much better than just Bishop Falls, but for fear of sounding like a Twilight impersonater, I didn't want to use Bishop Falls Saga).
So that's what I've been thinking about for the last three hours. Pathetic amount of work for as much time and thought as I put into it. Opinions would be helpful, but please, no giving me title ideas - I'm a firm believer that for a book to belong to its author, all aspects of the book must belong to him/her.
I started thinking about the project I'm working on right now. It's a YA paranormal romance series consisting of four volumes that focus on the main character, Anya. The series is going to be titled Bishop Falls.
In Volume I, Anya wakes up on the beaches of Bishop Falls--a small town with a wicked history--with no memory and nothing but singed clothes and a crystal necklace to her name. She is saved by Caleb, a dark and mysterious boy who seems to have a lot of secrets. Throughout the volume, Anya comes to find out that, although they've never met, she has a lot to do with Caleb's secrets, as well as the six young men and women the townsfolk call the 'Pendle Kids,' all of whom have necklaces similar to hers. While discovering these things, she must also confront the one who stole her memories, and destroy the dark amulet her enemy carries before it's too late.
In Volume II, enemies become allies. Anya and the other Children (they call themselves the Children of Pendle Hill, a.k.a. the Pendle Kids) must learn to trust the one who took much away from them if they are to defeat a common enemy, and it seems another nemesis may be controlling their every move.
In Volume III, Anya's memories are returned to her. Even as she realizes that she has betrayed the one she once cared for the most, Anya must save her sister from the clutches of a man known only as the Creator. In her efforts, she realizes she has a lot in common with this puppetmaster, who has a gift only too similar to her own, and Anya must face the fact that she might have to give in to the darkness in order to overcome it.
And in the final volume, Anya, her sister, and the Children face off against the Creator, but Anya is unsure of herself. She is only beginning to recognize the darkness inside her when her greatest enemy grants her a miracle - one that may cost her not only the boy she loves, but also any hope of rejoining the light.
So now that you kind of get what I'm working on, I'll get to the point. I've been trying to come up with working titles that match each other, and you'd be surprised how difficult that is. I randomly started thinking about it a few hours ago and here's what I came up with.
For Volumes I-IV, in that order:
Night Song
Black Flame
White Lace
Dark Tide
I tried to keep with the two-syllable structure, while also giving them each some symbollism that (although not very deep) isn't outright noticeable. Each title relates to an element that is heavily used in the volume it relates to. I chose Night Song (air) because music and the wind are entwined for Anya; Black Flame (fire) is kind of obvious; White Lace (earth) refers to a night-growing plant called whitelace; and finally, Dark Tide (water), which is also obvious.
The original working titles I came up with I didn't really care for. The moon is a big deal in the books, but not a main factor in each of them. The volumes used to be called Wandering Moon (too mushy and dramatic sounding), Harvest Moon (no symbollism, just the full moon of the month when the book was based), and Hunter's Moon (this one actually had some meaning, and was also the month's full moon name). As you can see, it was only a trilogy back then (The Bishop Falls Trilogy worked so much better than just Bishop Falls, but for fear of sounding like a Twilight impersonater, I didn't want to use Bishop Falls Saga).
So that's what I've been thinking about for the last three hours. Pathetic amount of work for as much time and thought as I put into it. Opinions would be helpful, but please, no giving me title ideas - I'm a firm believer that for a book to belong to its author, all aspects of the book must belong to him/her.
Good News and Self Mutilation
To make a long story short, I found out I get to continue working after the season! I work for Target, which is my most favorite store in existence (it's clean, the people are friendly, and nobody who works there looks drugged...except maybe me) and I was lucky enough to get a job in an economy that sucks some massive stones.
Unfortunately, they weren't very smart when giving me a job that requires using a box cutter. Hence the self mutilation; my left thumb is missing a few pieces, and I about whacked my right index finger off today.
And that's all that's going on with me. More writing, and some getting ready for school (woo for two-week classes!) but otherwise pretty boring.
Just to end on a good note:
Unfortunately, they weren't very smart when giving me a job that requires using a box cutter. Hence the self mutilation; my left thumb is missing a few pieces, and I about whacked my right index finger off today.
And that's all that's going on with me. More writing, and some getting ready for school (woo for two-week classes!) but otherwise pretty boring.
Just to end on a good note:

Spicy Christmas!
It could be because it's 5:30 in the morning and I'm a little delirious with fever, but I was literally rolling on the floor laughing after watching this.
Do you frequently wake up fully dressed, reeking of coffee, with Post-it notes stuck to your face? Are you an information junkie, a detail fiend, or a wisdom addict? If so, you are probably suffering from being a writer; but don’t feel bad; I have it, too. In the interest of exploring the sphere of the person of letters, this column draws on articles, books and movies, writers real and fictional, and my own seriocomic writing adventures. With its finger ever on the verbal pulse, "Confessions of a Word Junkie" looks at the good, the bad and the ugly in the world of words.
- Caroline Hagood
I stumbled upon this, and I couldn't stop laughing - mostly because the comic aspects are far less fictional than you'd think (keyboard imprints...sticky notes - same difference). And then I delved deeper and found a gem. So, long story short, check out Confessions of a Word Junkie - it's a creative and amusing insight into the mysterious world of words and their lovers.
Why "Twilight Apples" ?
Why not Twilight Apples?
But really, there's a good reason. I admire Stephenie Meyer, and not just because she created a hunky vampire and a clutsy, relatable heroine. While I admire her for many things, including her simple-but-addictive writing style, as well as her ability to make her characters feel alive to the reader (and not just the main protagonists), it is her symbolism that continues to knock me off my feet.
With the Twilight series, she created symbolism on her novel covers that are a mere foreshadowing to her brilliance on the page. I was drawn to the first book in particular, where she portrays a picture of forbidden fruit being offered by the temptation itself. Hence, Twilight Apples.
That, and I just like how it sounds.
But really, there's a good reason. I admire Stephenie Meyer, and not just because she created a hunky vampire and a clutsy, relatable heroine. While I admire her for many things, including her simple-but-addictive writing style, as well as her ability to make her characters feel alive to the reader (and not just the main protagonists), it is her symbolism that continues to knock me off my feet.
With the Twilight series, she created symbolism on her novel covers that are a mere foreshadowing to her brilliance on the page. I was drawn to the first book in particular, where she portrays a picture of forbidden fruit being offered by the temptation itself. Hence, Twilight Apples.
That, and I just like how it sounds.

There are just too many awesome icons out there. How are we supposed to choose just one?!!!
So .. here are some of my favorite avatar icons! ^-^

So .. here are some of my favorite avatar icons! ^-^

May I present ..
Decided to make a new personal blog. I usually use Wordpress, but the limited selection of templates has been getting to me, and I found this lovely purple number that I just couldn't resist.
On that note, welcome to my new blog!
On that note, welcome to my new blog!

Age: 17
Location: USA
Birthday: February 7th
Zodiac: Aquarius
Favorite things: Reading, writing, sleeping, music, white roses, and autumn!
MSN IM/Email:
Twitter: x
I aspire to learn everything humanly possible in my lifetime. 100 years just won't be enough for me, but I'll take what I can get. I want to become an author more than anything, but I don't want to be famous. Well-known perhaps, but I don't want anyone fawning over me. I also want to learn to sail, live in Italy, see the northern lights, and come home for every Christmas!
I've never really believed in the zodiac, but this description fits me pretty well I think:
Often simple and unassuming, the Aquarian goes about accomplishing goals in quiet, often unorthodox ways. Although their methods may be unusual, the results for achievement are surprisingly effective. Aquarian’s are honest, loyal and highly intelligent. They are also easy going and make natural friendships. If not kept in check, the Aquarian can be prone to sloth and laziness. However, they know this about themselves, and try their best to motivate themselves to action. They are also prone to philosophical thoughts, and are often quite artistic and poetic.
And there you have it (all but the "artistic and poetic" part). Lazy at times, and always thinking nonsense that nobody but me understands, but honest (sometimes against my will) and loyal to anyone I have faith in!