This isn't really interesting, but it's going to play an important role in my life, so I decided to blog about it anyway. I've decided that I'm going to get two Bachelor's degrees, a Master's, and go to law school. Insane, right? Probably, but I've been panicking at the thought of leaving the student world and joining the career world (I don't count my job at Target as a career). It's still quite a few years off, and I know exactly what I want to be, but lately my classes are flying by (literally...I just finished my first 2-week Sociology class) and I've been trying to figure out how to get where I want to be while weighing the risk/benefits.
See, primarily I want to be an author, but I don't want to count on it to pay the bills, so I decided to become a literary agent. To do that, I have to get a Bachelor's, Master's, go to law school, probably get some experience as a lawyer, move to NYC, find a job in this god-awful economy, make connections with people in the literary field quickly, find and recognize talented writers, work my butt off to get their work published, and then hope that it pays off (because I get a percentage of their earnings). You can probably see the risk with this career. Overall, my future wasn't looking so good.
Then, in my Sociology class last week, someone mentioned that they were going into social work. I don't know what happened, but I have been hung up on it ever since. I know it involves kids (which I hate) and a lot of work for very little money (even though I'm cheap and greedy) but I couldn't stop thinking about what I could do in that kind of position. I can help people (even if they aren't always grateful), I can make the transition easier for people who would otherwise be facing someone cold and emotionless who thinks little of them, and maybe I can do something important with my life.
So, here's my plan. I'm going to get my degree in social work (whatever that degree is) and start going into that while I get my English Literature degrees (Bachelor's and Master's) and start working toward law school. I'm going to try to publish the next book I finish, which means I'll be working with a lit agent and can check out what the job entails while I'm getting there, and in the end I might just end up in NYC with a job I enjoy that miraculously paid off, or anywhere I want to be, doing something important with my life (even if my paycheck is suffering for it).
It'll be crazy for the next dozen years or so, but for some weird reason, I'm looking forward to it.

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